Checking in: Mark Lewis Wagner – Founder of Drawing on Earth
Things have been crazy here with; 1) the end of the first live teaching semester in 2 years at Chabot College in the San Francisco Bay Area. 2) Finishing a chalk drawing contract with the Mt Diablo Unified School District where I was able to visit the last two schools that covid put a hold onto from the total of 30 elementary schools. In May I was chalk drawing for 10 days. Oakland Zoo and Chabot College for Earthday, and 6 days at elementary schools.
I then drove to my summer art studio in Northern New Mexico, the journey was also crazy, mainly loosing my truck’s transmission in Kingman AZ. I now have a new truck and am painting up a storm.
Things that have happened here in New Mexico are; 1) a first time attempt to chalk spray on the dirt a 100 ft. Blue Whale. Next time use another color than light blue. 2) Begin weekly Sat. morning community chalk drawings at Taos Farmer’s Market. 3) Network with Tomorrow’s Women, and other Sante Fe organizations creating an event Aug. 4, 2022. “Imagine Chalk: Community Chalk Drawing for the Global Village.”