
Create a large outdoor collaborative chalk drawing with kids and community.

Two Day Event: Friday – kids come from schools on field trip. Sat. – community participation (kids and parents).

Wagner creates a large outline drawing, children and the community fill in with their own imagery and creative expression.

Chalk is temporary, inexpensive, environmentally safe, colorful, easy to use, easy to clean off, and easy for beginners and seasoned artists.

Creating together is an important social skill. Working on something big that one could not make by oneself is exciting, epic, it teaches collaboration, and creates community.

Kids have fun, they bring their parents back next day, parents and kid”™s creating together is good for the family and for the planet.

The event “draws” people to your museum and great photos for future promotion.

Extra day can be added for 3D Master Class for local artist.

Museum staff and teachers can learn the “how to” of chalk drawings and produce artistic and fund raising events in the future.

Free evening lecture offered on chalk drawing — street painting.

Drawing on Earth is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.

Drawings can be made outside on the sidewalk/street, in a parking lot, or inside on canvas.


Please contact us for further information: [email protected]