Two Years with the Mt Diablo USD Education Foundation Mark Lewis Wagner and his nonprofit Drawing on Earth worked with the Mt. Diablo USD Education Foundation for 2 years, chalk drawing at 30 elementary schools and working with 15,000 kids. Video by Josh McClain
Join Us in Imagining the Future – Earth Day 2021
Drawing on Earth's Global Creative Challenge "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the World." ~ Einstein Our project is on track, please join in and help imagine the future we want to live in. It’s how everything gets made, we first imagine it, like putting humans on the moon – we had to imagine it first. Imagine a changed climate, imagine the world creating together, imagine a future for everyone and everything. What do you see? Dance it, draw, sing, sculpt, write, paint, digitally make it – and while you are at it, stretch your creative spirit, go an extra inch, word, note, movement just because you can. You will feel better during [...]
The Global Creative Challenge 2021
One Artist Imagining the World Creating Together Hi Everyone, we have a new exciting big project in the mix. It's so big we need your help, we are inviting you and the rest of the world to be part of it. Earth Day April 22, 2021 - founder and creative director of Drawing on Earth - Mark Lewis Wagner will be attempting to set a new Guinness World Record for the largest chalk street art drawing (more info below). We have a story being birthed about imagining a climate changed, about a world creating together, about the future being a place of dynamic balance for everything. A Creative Challenge to the World While this is happening we are [...]
Free Online Art Classes
Hello, Mark Lewis Wagner here, I am the Founder and Creative Director for Drawing on Earth. Since covid I am totally focused on teaching online at Chabot College in the San Francisco Bay Area USA. I am posting most of my lessons online for free on youtube. They are made for beginners in painting and drawing, for older kids and adults, anyone is welcome to give them a try. I'll do another set for elementary school kids. Enjoy! ONLINE ART CLASSES - MLW - Youtube You might to also see my personal art website. marklewiswagner
Updates from Drawing on Earth
Hello everyone, wow, times sure are interesting. Drawing on Earth's main focus has been going into elementary schools and chalk drawing on the playgrounds with all the kids. Last 2 years we have been working close to 30 elementary schools (approx. 15,000 kids) with the Mt. Diablo Unified School District (San Francisco Bay Area, California) through a grant from the MDUSD Education Foundation. Times have changed. At least for now, 650 kids on the playground sharing chalk, running around, drawing, drawing on each other - is a thing of the past. We'll just see what happens. In the mean time since we are based in creativity we'll just create some other ways of sharing the goodness of the [...]
Day One – Anamorphic Chalk Drawing of Puma for Earth Day
Creative Challenge: MAKE EARTH DAY ART Anamorphic Puma (Mountain Lion, Cougar) in collaboration with the Oakland Zoo the day before Earth Day