Drawing on Earth’s Global Creative Challenge
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.
Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the World.”
~ Einstein
Our project is on track, please join in and help imagine the future we want to live in. It’s how everything gets made, we first imagine it, like putting humans on the moon – we had to imagine it first.
Imagine a changed climate, imagine the world creating together, imagine a future for everyone and everything. What do you see? Dance it, draw, sing, sculpt, write, paint, digitally make it – and while you are at it, stretch your creative spirit, go an extra inch, word, note, movement just because you can. You will feel better during and afterwards, more grounded, wider, more present, more alive, more able to help solve the world’s problems.
Victoria from Redding PA has enrolled her community to create a big chalk drawing together. Bobbie Rea has her elementary school on board. Mary has her neighbors all drawing in their own driveways. All covid safe, and a way to help people feel connected to something bigger than themselves.
And while you are doing that, artist and Founder of Drawing on Earth will be attempting his 2nd Guinness World Record, this time for the largest chalk street art by one artist. The record is 1,800 sq.ft, his attempt is 18,000 sq.ft. in 5 days ending Sat. April 24, Alameda CA, USA. Come to the opening.
This world is but a canvas to our imagination.”
~ Henry David Thoreau
FaceBook: groups/drawingonearth01
Instagram: drawingonearth