Occasionally, you come across those venerable individuals who have the impressive combination of talent and how they choose to use it.  Mark Wagner is one of those characters.  His artistic ability is uncommon and impressive; just look at his art!  But, he also works to spark the artistic streak in others.  In fact, he set our entire school artistically ablaze when every student and staff member helped create our school mascot in larger-than-life-size and beauty.  How cool is that?

Absorbed and engaged, my fifth graders enthusiastically participated, stepped back, and took in their part in the school-wide project.  Thank you, Mark!  It is rare when one person affects an entire school in such a positive, lasting way.  I only wish others can have this same opportunity, and get to savor the experience!

Tao Bernardi
Fifth Grade Teacher
Hearst Elementary
Pleasanton, California